Denis Moreaux ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Tue, 2002-01-15 at 16:36, Brian J. Murrell wrote:
> > On Tue, Jan 15, 2002 at 03:07:54PM +0100, Han wrote:
> > > 
> > > Probably a very wise decission. Everything that arrives on a
> > > hotmail server is considered to be owned by microsoft. If you Send
> > > anything to this newsgroup it will be owned by microsoft. I simply
> > > bounce mail from hotmail servers.
> > 
> > Can you point me to somewhere that they assert this claim?  I know
> > some folks who at least would like a chuckle at reading this.
> AFAIK, Passport EULA make documents ORIGINATING FROM a service using
> Passport have the double licence (the original one and the Microsoft
> one). there was a lot of talks about it on slashdot...
> I don't know if the EULA is still the same or has been chanced to
> something more sane, but ownership can only be granted if someone
> using hotmail SENDS something (quotes/full messages, his own
> messages,...)
> But again, curent EULA has to be checked to see if they did not
> backpedal !!!

My original remark contained a ";)" meaning not to be taken too
seriously. I doubt it will ever go to trial if somebody sends a patch
here, and I don't think m$ will ever have a "legal" claim what so ever.
It is just something to keep in the back of your head.

The American law just begs for civil disobedience. :)

Groetjes, Han.

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