le jeu 17-01-2002 à 10:59, Franki a écrit :
> I was wondering why none on the mainstream distro's do this?
> they all want to be the fastest out there, so why not release a distro where
> on the kernel, rpm, and compiler and all depenencies for them are as
> binaries, and everything else is a src.rpm, which with some changes,
> MandrakeUpdate (or the install app) could then compile to source and install
> that...
> I know that the differences between i586 and i686 is fairly small
> performance wise right now, but every little bit helps right? and for
> Athlons, which are gaining pretty fast in popularity, the differences would
> be more pronounced wouldn't they?
> and the difference in performance would be increased as compilers got better
> at optimised code...
> so why isn't anyone significant doing it?  is it technically unfeasable??
> would it make an install take 5 hours?

You mean.. To compile XFree only, right?
> anyone know why its not a popular approach?

Maybe because it's really slow? It will probably take a night to compile
KDE on most systems.. I don't know if everyone would support installing
a whole distro (how much packages?) in not less than a week.

Anyway, there is Gentoo..

Just my 0.02¤ :)


Sylvain OBEGI 
ICQ : 661913 

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