On Thursday 17 January 2002 05:21, Sylvain OBEGI wrote:
>le jeu 17-01-2002 à 10:59, Franki a écrit :
>> I was wondering why none on the mainstream distro's do this?
>> so why isn't anyone significant doing it?  is it technically unfeasable??
>> would it make an install take 5 hours?
>You mean.. To compile XFree only, right?
>> anyone know why its not a popular approach?
>Maybe because it's really slow? It will probably take a night to compile
>KDE on most systems.. I don't know if everyone would support installing
>a whole distro (how much packages?) in not less than a week.
>Anyway, there is Gentoo..
>Just my 0.02¤ :)

So what is to keep a person from doing this with Mandrake?  I am
not a master of RPM, but I wonder, how difficult is it to tell 
RPM to turn on architecture dependant optimizations, and build 
your packages from the SRPMS?  That way, you could do it 
incrementally, and only with packages that could really benefit 
from the optimizations (XFree, KDE, Kernel, Xine, etc...)  


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