On Mon, Jan 28, 2002 at 10:16:53PM +0100, Gregoire Favre wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 29, 2002 at 01:51:04AM +1100, Geoffrey Lee wrote:
> > I see it this way:
> > 
> > you compile an application, it should work.
> > 
> > You compile mutt, but it doesn't work with  ncurses and if you don't have
> > color.
> I don't understand what you mean here: both original mutt from mutt.org
> and from srpm compiling without slang works just perfect, and without
> color if you haven't set them, with colour if there are set ;-))

I've tracked down the problem. At least it isn't related to XFree86.

No it doesn't work, not with the current ncurses / terminfo / mutt that
we have, I'm not sure why you can't reproduce it but I've been able to get
others to reproduce it as well.

> > You compile mutt , but it works with slang regardless of whether you have
> > color or not.
> Working is not the work I would use: it's usable, nothing more...
> > I also like ncurses better, but something should work regardless of whether
> > you have color or not ...
> If I remember well, version 25 was just working perfectly for all user,
> so why don't you come back to it?

The 1.3.x are development versions. As far as that goes, it would be probably
better to keep it up to date, that we don't revert back to an old version
because it looks better (cosmetic) with ncurses than in slang. (If it is true
I can try and do a diff).

> As I am: I am mutt compiled with gcc-3.03-2mdk, don't know wheter it
> really change something...

Could be. But I doubt it ..

        - G.

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