
I've just joined this list to help mandrake linux become a better
product. I wasnt happy with the quality of 8.1 and have decided to do my
bit make 8.2 a great release. I have downloaded and updated my 8.1
install on my laptop to 8.2b1, and have noted down on papaer a few bugs
that I have picked up. I have also got myself a bugger account. 

Im not the best at writing bug reports. I guess for my bug reports to be
usefull I need to send information on how to reproduce the problem.
Since it was un upgrade, this could be hard.

Here is a quick summary of some of the bugs I have picked:

Gnome Background: doesnt set on starting X. Does retain the settings. If
I go to the background tool, the right settings are there, and I just
hit apply and it sets correctly. I have to do this each bootup.

Lilo: instead of saying "lilo boot:" or similar there is a bunch of
about 8 control codes. Lilo still functions OK.

PCMCIA: Toshiba satellite pro, with ToPIC95 pcmcia chipset which is
intel compatable. Worked before upgrade, broken after. Its i82365
register compatable, and doesnt use the yenta socket stuff, although
kudzu tells the script in /etc/rc.d/init.d/pcmcia that it does. If I rem
out this check and manually load the modules the pcmcia works.

Now, what is the best thing for me to do? Should I mention bugs like
these here, and get some guidance as to what information I should dig
out to help the developers before submitting a bug report? Is this
information helpful, or does it lack detail of the problem?


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