<rant - but nothing personal>
How about and making the main distro more completely USEFUL.  Lets face it
a lot of the browsers shipping for linux just aren't there yet.  They're 
coming up fast, but have a little ways to go yet.   If there are sites
that won't render on the newer browsers yet, and they render on Netscape, 
then ship it with Netscape!  

Most of the folks I talk to about Linux - their eyes kinda glaze over when the
subject of GPL and Open Source come up.  What they want is a system 
that they can USE, not idiological purity.  They simply want to be able 
to use their computers.

Please, whoever makes these decisions, consider keeping Netscape 
in the distro, at least for 8.2.  Hopefully by 9.0, or 8.3, or whatever it's 
going to be called, the latest Konqueror and Mozilla will be ready to take
on Internet Explorer.. but until that time comes, shipping the browser that
works with the most pages and crashes the least will go a long way to 
insuring people new to Linux and Mandrake have a good user experience.

Then maybe they'll stick around to learn more about GPL.

</rant - but nothing personal>

On Tuesday 26 February 2002 08:08 pm, you wrote:
> And to make the main distro more completely GPL.
> Cheers; Leon

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