On Sun, 2002-03-03 at 00:45, David Walser wrote:
> I know how you feel.  I recently posted a patch for
> rpmrc which they won't accept because they think it's
> "wrong," but I'm willing to bet almost every Mandrake
> Linux user would disagree with them.  Apparently they
> don't care.

 Hmmmmmmm I will say this:
mdk-devel used to be a lot more fun, and a lot more accepting : )

Bryan Paxton
Public PGP key: http://www.deadhorse.net/bpaxton.gpg

"Heedfulness: the path to the Deathless.
Heedlessness: the path to death.
The heedful do not die.
The heedless are as if already dead." -- Dhp. 21-24

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