I want test an important part for me of a distrib: the auto_install.

Oh, just a word to say that a collegue have found the "save selection 
package" very usefull.

I have during the installation create the two floppy "replay" and "autoinst", 
I want be sure what I do and I have for understand do a diff between the two 

[root@virgo ftp]# diff replay.cfg /mnt/floppy/auto_inst.cfg
<                          'clearall' => 0,
>                          'clearall' => 1,
<                          'auto_allocate' => 0
>                          'auto_allocate' => 1
<        'autoExitInstall' => 0,
>        'autoExitInstall' => 1,
< package install_steps_auto_install;
< $graphical = 1;
< push @graphical_steps, 'doPartitionDisks', 'formatPartitions';

Correct me if I am in wrong way

clearall allow drakX to delete all data on all disk
auto_allocate is for allocate each partition to mountpoint by reading 
'partitions' section.

What are the three last line ?
How can I be sure that each partitions will be associate to the good mount 
point (is the order of partition section important) and drackX will not erase 
my non [ext[23]|reiserfs] partitions.
There is a way to setup manually only the partitionning.

I ask you for that because I can test all other section without risk, but I 
don't want erase Windows (not yet !) and not my BSD ! 

Thanks a lot.
Linux pour Mac !? Enfin le moyen de transformer
une pomme en véritable ordinateur.
| Olivier Thauvin - CNRS Service Aeronomie
| 01 64 47 43 60 à Verrières (lundi,mercredi et vendredi)
| 01 44 27 47 59 à Jussieu (Mardi et Jeudi)
| Fax:33 (0)1 69 20 29 99
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| France

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