On Sunday 17 March 2002 17:12, Warly wrote:
> Thinking of a better model, I am not sure what I could choose. No
> deadline means no hurry, and "if the last moments didn't exist,
> nothing good would be done".

Kinda-sorta. Debian sees to get by without much of a rush. Perhaps it would 
be good to have a 3-stage semi-automatic commit into Cooker (ie Cooker-new, 
becomes Cooker-not-obviously-broken if no bugs for a week in package or 
dependencies, becomes Cooker-stable after another 3 weeks), much like the 
Debian system, up until maybe two weeks before crunch time.

> Moreover if we wait too much, new versions of nearly all the tools in
> the distro will be released, and their respective authors will not
> care anymore fixing bugs in the old version we would have included.

True in most cases. But authors who know will be delighted the filtered 
reporting (often including suggested fix) which gets through Mandrake to 
them, and a fix for an old version often applies to a new version as well.

I think holding off on shipping Gnome 2, KDE 3 and even Mozilla 9.9 (you seem 
to be shipping `Mozilla 9.88' or something like that) is a great idea from a 
stability POV. Mandrake has seen very little bad press for stuff that wasn't 
bleeding edge enough, and a significant amount (notably in 8.1) for stuff 
that was a little too bleeding-edge, and did in fact bleed.

> I do think that our model is not so bad, and that we are reaching a
> good compromise between cutting edge and stability, but /this/
> compromise _is needed_.

Agree. Let's see how 8.2 goes. When exactly (GMT please) will ISOs be 
available? (-:

Cheers; Leon

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