wyrmzr wrote:

>On Wednesday 20 March 2002 10:39, you wrote:
>>Kmail and evolution are very  good email agents , but for me when I use
>>outlook it doesn't hang with 10000
>>big problem of  windows are stability and viruses ...
>>big problem of linux have no good acceleration for video and is not yet
>> I think also that for laptop is very not at the level of windows since
>>suspend , irda , incorporated mouse
>>does not work well to not say at all...
>>(Warning:I like a lot linux , and I saying this only for pointing on
>>problems that I do not like to see in the future)
>>Thanks for the very great disribution you've made ,
>> Meir Faraj
>>----- Original Message -----
>I'd have to agree that laptop support is lacking yet in several areas, but 3d 
>acceleration depends a lot on what card you have, and whether the 
>manufacturer is willing to write drivers for Linux.  My NVidia GeForce2 Ultra 
>works great, I can watch dvds in Linux, and many apps, including OpenGL, run 
>much smoother than win2k.
>Personally, even when I use win2k, I don't use outlook because of the huge 
>security issues.  And I stay behind a hardware firewall to keep the hackers 
>out.  Not that win2k is used much by me anymore, since I can now play many of 
>my games in Linux with winex(thanks to transgaming).  And as far as stability 
>goes, I have had no problem running RC1 on my work system, running several 
>days straight without a reboot is not a problem.  No such luck with win2k, 
>something eventually bogs it down and forces me to reboot.
>All in all, I can't wait for Linux to get a stronger hold on the desktop 
>market.  For my purposes, it's already there.
For laptops, realize this:

1.  To cram all that functionality in a small package, compromises are 
made with the accepted industry standards.

2.  The hardware engineers do their best, then the software people take 
over and write customized windows drivers to make up for the deficiencies.

3.  Linux generally supplies drivers built for the accepted standard. 
 Specialized drivers are supplied if open-source.

4.  Notebook support for linux will be adequate when notebook 
manufacturers start selling notebooks equipped with linux.  Until then, 
it is a game of chance and tweaking.


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