On Sat, Mar 30, 2002 at 11:59:10AM +0100, Olivier Dormond wrote:
>  Will there be any way to have the theme changes affect both 1.4 and 2.0
> at the same time ? The user

User?  What "user"?  This is Cooker dude.
It should not be given to "user"s.

> will get confused if some applications have
> their look changed and not others.

"User"s should not be confused because users that don't understand
what Cooker is should not be using Cooker.

> So I'm not conviced it's a good think
> to keep 1.4 libs if we can't exchange the themes config in some way.

Things will break during a distro's progression to the next release
version.  That is what Cooker is all about.  You have to either deal
with it or re-install 8.2 and wait patiently for the release that
Cooker works toward.


Brian J. Murrell

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