On Sat, Mar 30, 2002 at 12:33:23PM -0500, Brian J. Murrell wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 30, 2002 at 11:59:10AM +0100, Olivier Dormond wrote:
> > 
> >  Will there be any way to have the theme changes affect both 1.4 and 2.0
> > at the same time ? The user
> User?  What "user"?  This is Cooker dude.
> It should not be given to "user"s.

I perfecly know what cooker is and I'm able to use it! Looking at the
way answer you probably just boot cooker, update cooker, shutdown
cooker. What a very pleasant and helpful guy you are!
> > will get confused if some applications have
> > their look changed and not others.
> "User"s should not be confused because users that don't understand
> what Cooker is should not be using Cooker.
> > So I'm not conviced it's a good think
> > to keep 1.4 libs if we can't exchange the themes config in some way.
> Things will break during a distro's progression to the next release
> version.  That is what Cooker is all about.  You have to either deal
> with it or re-install 8.2 and wait patiently for the release that
> Cooker works toward.

I'm realy pleased to have meet someone who knows what the futur will be
and is thus conviced every gnome program will be ported to Gnome2 in the
next developpement cycle of the Mandrake distro. Mandrake is certainly
the reference distro used by the Gnome Fundation for their planning!


                                The One who is able to Use a cooker

Olivier Dormond aka Odie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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