On Thu, 13 Jun 2002, Charles A Edwards wrote:

> On Thu, 13 Jun 2002 21:15:19 +0200
> Alexander Skwar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > However, I somehow do not think that Sun will release a special
> > gcc-3.1 Mandrake edition of their JDK.   
> It would not Be mandrake only.
> If you look at the main component structure for UnitedLinux you will
> find gcc-3.1.
> I take that to indicate that the member distros,(SuSE, Calera, Turbo,
> and Conectiva) will in their future releases also be using gcc-3.1.
> If you add their numbers to that of mandrake you well exceed those of
> RH.
> For Sun to ignore this would be a very poor business decision on their
> part.

If you look at www.distrowatch.com/redhat.plp, you'll see rawhide
(RedHat's equivalent of cooker?) listed with gcc 3.1.  As a sidenote,
the distrowatch website was where I found out about cooker (see
www.distrowatch.com/mandrake.php).  I'm not sure were they get their
information from, but it seems accurate to me.

Also, I remember RedHat being attacked for shipping 7.0 with a
"broken" compiler--gcc 2.96.  Their reason for doing so was that it
was closer to being standards compliant (as well as being better at
optimizing), so my guess is that they'll be using gcc-3.1 pretty soon
as well.

> > However, I somehow do not think that Sun will release a special
> > gcc-3.1 Mandrake edition of their JDK.  If all the distributions,
> > and mainly also the market leader Red Hat, would switch to gcc-3.1,
> > then we *MIGHT* see a gcc-3.1 JDK.  But that's a pretty big if IMO.

Doesn't sound like too big an "if" to me; just sounds like a "when".


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