On Wednesday 26 June 2002 21.11, Vincent Danen wrote:
> On Wed Jun 26, 2002 at 05:40:25PM +0200, Oden Eriksson wrote:
> [...]
> > > Probably not a good idea.  privsep is the official workaround to an
> > > undisclosed remote root in openssh; the fix for this hole will be
> > > available when the information is provided; having privsep enabled
> > > with some uncomfortable side-effects for a week is a helluvalot more
> > > comfortable than getting rooted.
> >
> > As so many times before..., I spoke too soon. Now that I've read more
> > about it I realize the threat.
> =)  And it's now public... expect the exploits any hour now.

Thanks, I have had the time to fix this on the servers I'm responsible for. I 
think this is the first time I've actually fixed a security hole at this 
magnitude before it was known..., amazing...

> > > If you are tempted to disable privsep, I would encourage you to shut
> > > off sshd entirely.  If that's not possible, use privsep and, as they
> > > say, grin and bear it.
> >
> > No, I will use it, there's currently no other option it seems.
> Not really.  Except upgrading to 3.4 and then you can turn privsep off
> since the vulnerability is fixed.

Thanks, I read about it. But I think I'll keep privsep turned on.

> > > system wide.  I haven't had a chance to announce it yet, but it's
> > > already on the FTP sites.  It won't show in MandrakeUpdate because it
> > > is a new package (and only needed for people interested in rebuilding
> > > srpms).
> >
> > Very nice, I will check it out ASAP.
> /me still has to announce it
> > > > Oh.., I found another missing file in the openssh package (+ some
> > > > minor fixes), a patch is attached.
> > >
> > > Thanks.. I'll take a look at it shortly.  Trying to do my part in
> > > helping the openssh developers iron out some bugs in the privsep code.
> >
> > Cool.
> Well, 3.4 looks a little better, but still problems with PAM.  I hope
> a 3.4.1 fixes all of the PAM issues, but until then, 3.4 is your best
> bet (you can use it without privsep if you are really concerned about
> expired passwords, etc.).

Ok, great to know!

I only wish they could fix the hanging on exit thing too..., the "shopt -s 
huponexit" does not allways work. Since this seems to be a bash/openssh 
related problem only I think I will try to use ash for a while and see if it 

I wonder if z shell ever hang on exit? (Andrej?)

> In cooker, and building it for updates.  This one will be going thru
> QA so the packages won't be available today for updates.

Regards // Oden Eriksson
Deserve-IT Networks -> http://d-srv.com

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