Le sam 06/07/2002 à 10:30, Geoffrey Lee a écrit :

> You could do it weekly if you want.
> That's what FreeBSD does.
> BTW, FreeBSD nices it to +5, while we nice it to +19. Currently it's
> not as bad as one might think?

I have a crappy system with 2 SCSI and one IDE HD and when all of theses
things are launch my system completely .... freeze ! even sysreq can't
save it.
on top of that you are working on KDE ( not the fatest DE but the most
widely use by beginners ) and you PC block or horribly slow down because
there is rpm check, and after locate, and after msec, etc ...

the first time I wonder "what's the hell happening", and a top show me
what happen

It should be better if there was a particular config tool to
enable/disable all of this things and if during the install ( as for
services ) we ask users if they want to enable this and this, and what
will happen ( very big HD activity ) and at what time they'd want to see
this happen.
Expert users and administrator will activate what they need at the time
they need it.

novice should deactivate most of theses stuffs. The most important and
less bloody should be activate and we should advice them to active them.

I often reboot my PC ( to play under windows, to code under windows for
my work, because my HD one more time die or freeze, etc ... ). If
something was schedule ( and that it was the user who decide about or it
was default policies ), there should be a warning :

Take care some task with heavy disk operations where schedule, do you
want to execute them before rebooting ( may take several minutes ) or do
you want to report them the next time you will be connect ? 
|before| |Report Next Time| |reconfigure task ( need root password )|

This should popup under the X session or even during login screen.
but as I belive that catch shutdown call may be difficult, it should be
then in init script ands pop up a text based dialog ( and not on screen
11 ! ).
Now you have two problems :

+ normal users should not be able to report important task BUT :
        - on a server or public PC normal users should not be able to shutdown
the PC
        - if the user can shut down the PC so we may think that it is the admin
desire. Now raise the second problem

+ if the admin want users to shutdown the PC but does want that they
will be able to report important task ?
if yes, there's no pb, and of course for personnel use most of the time,
the user ... is the admin
if no, does the shutdown should be paused in order to execute the task ?
or does the user need to enter root password in order to be able to

there are several things to be considered and most of theses things
should be easily configurable ( i.e avoid wizard )

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