On Thu, 2002-08-22 at 00:49, Ben Reser wrote:

> I most certianly *DO* understand the difference.  But you're applying
> the term emulator to only processor emulation which is certainly a fine
> distinction that maybe hackers make, but the dictionary and common users
> do not make!  And considering that for the most part Mandrake is for
> common users not hackers (though some of us use Mandrake) we should be
> using language common users understand not elitist hacker definitions.

Actually I don't think wine really *does* fit in with most people's
conception of an emulator. When I run an emulator I expect a recreation
of the original machine / OS / whatever. wine expressly doesn't provide
this; you don't run wine and get a windows desktop with a start button
and an annoying paperclip, etc. you use wine to run windows programs,
it's not exactly emulating windows because you can't run wine then point
at something and go "look! windows!". badly phrased, but I hope you get
what I mean.

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