heh, not really,
I'm not so great at writing english as I once was:o)

Let's try to rephrase this;
My point is that you don't call wine for an emulator just to make people 
understand what it's purpose is, when it's not an emulator.
Especially not when it's not hard to desribe it correctly and at the 
same time make people understad it's purpose.

eg. people did'nt call PC-DOS, DR-DOS, etc. for MS-DOS emulators just 
because they could mostly run the same programs.

allen wrote:

>On Wednesday 21 August 2002 08:23 pm, Per Øyvind Karlsen wrote:
>>aye, agree
>>anyways, my point is that describing something wrong is not a good idea
>>even if it would make people easily understand what it's for, especially
>>not when you can explain someting right and still make people as easily
>>understand it's purpose:)
>I'm not sure I understand...
>Did you just say "Get rid of marketing people ?"

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