On Wed, Aug 28, 2002 at 02:43:25PM -0700, David Walser wrote:
> Awesome, thanks Ben :o)
> My only other major annoyance with Konq is being on a
> web form where you start typing and it offers a
> drop-down with possible auto-completions, you hit the
> down arrow to select one.  It fills in the completion,
> leaves your cursor in the form and the drop-down box
> visible (with the thing you just selected blue).  At
> this point in Konqueror 2.2.2 you can hit tab and move
> to the next form field.  In 3.0.2, you can't, tab
> doesn't do anything, you're stuck.
> I mainly see this in Yahoo! Mail, which is why it's an
> annoyance :o)  Can you reproduce this?

Can you put up a basic page that demonstrates this and instructions on
how to do replicate?  If so I'll take a look.


If your love has no hope of being welcomed do not voice it; for if it 
be silent it can endure, a guarded flame, within you.
- The Wisdom of the Sands

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