OK, I am advised to be POLITE here, so I'll suppress my irritation at 
submitting useful Bugzilla reports that never get looked at, and report 'em 
all here:

My primary test bed is an Intel D845GLAD motherboard. Integrated AC97 audio, 
onboard video, onboard LAN, USB. Other testbed is Intel AL440LX mobo.

* USB is not recognized on the D845GLAD mobo. See Bugzilla #122.  
Incidentally, this bug will NOT appear on my buglist (something 'bout being 
assigned to nobody. No idea why or how to fix it, and qa@mandrakesoft,com 
never replies.) My only way to see it is: 

* Logitech QuickCam Express driver needs to be updated from the recent 
(months old!) 0.40c Sourceforge CVS source; the old one doesn't recognize my 
QCE (various USB IDs and sensor types for QuickCam Expresses), but the NEW 
one works way better. See Bugzilla #70, this dates back to Beta 2 (!!!), and 
it's a trivial fix. Can we PUH-LEEZE get the updated driver into the tree?

* XFree86 support of the onboard 845 video is very, very poor (it was worse 
in Beta 2, but it still is bad). Bugzilla #119.  I know this is unlikely to 
be fixed, but if anyone wants to try, I'll gladly run test cases and provide 

In general: I am NOT an expert on X or USB, but I *am* a competent 
programmer, and I am *very* willing to help in debugging/testing/fixing these 
issues; if someone is willing to provide some direction, I can assist 
usefully. I fully understand that these bugs may not get fixed; that's OK, I 
don't mind that near as much as I mind submitting Bugzilla bug reports that 
seem to go to /dev/null. THAT is a waste.

>From the comments I've seen on MandrakeForum, there are lots more who feel 
the same frustration; Bugzilla is one of the recommended routes for bug 
reporting, but my experience suggests that it isn't being used to advantage 
(and neither is MandrakeExpert, the third recommended route). SOMEONE at 
Mandrakesoft would do well to take a serious look at this, or else you'll 
lose valuable community contributors; isn't that what Open Source is about to 
begin with?. Anyone sufficiently committed to go through the Bugzilla setup 
rigamarole likely has something to say, or?

Regards, Steve Hersey


Steve Hersey N1XNX

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