Steve Hersey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Once upon a time, on Wednesday 04 September 2002 05:43 am, the famous sage 
> Warly did write:


> If you don't "get it" by reading this far, I guess there's no hope for 
> improving this mess. Please tell me I'm wrong.

Of courses we have a big pb in bug reporting, processing and answering, and
of courses we have to do something.

We tried to set up MandrakeExpert as primary front-end for newbies, unfortunately
some third party doing support for us just do not care about beta version and
do not bother bringing us back such pb (this is my personal unique view which
I must be the only one to be blame for just in case).

I tried to change bugzilla, to have a more explicit package/version reporting, with
a mail system to ease developers job, it is a bit better, but not nice enough yet.

At present cooker is the better bug reporting system, because most of subscribers
are linux-aware and help us a lot in bug finding and fixing.

We definitely need to improve our bug system, and you are all welcome to give 
suggestions so that we could make it fitting your needs, as well as ours.

One of suggested solution is that bug in bugzilla are just set as old after one 
week and a reminder is sent to maintainer and owner, and either the maintainer
has forgotten it and try to fix it, either the owner try to reproduce, if
not fixed whine again, if not the bug is forgotten

Other way may be to put bug in a UNCONFIRMED state, and bug has to be confirmed
before the maintainer to take care of, this with the help of the community.

Our main problem is to qualify bug, because if the maintainer knows that
there will be one good bug report over 10 in bugzilla, he will not spend
the time reading all these 10 to find the good one, he will just ignore it.


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