On Thu, Sep 19, 2002 at 08:33:00PM -0300, Antonio A Todo Bom wrote:
> Today we have, in our office, just a computer and
> 8 LTSP terminals.
> We are finally satified with LTSP, it's working ok.
> Can I contribute anyform to add LTSP to Mdk distro?

Stew Benedict has already been working on this.  Please search the list
before posting:

> We are current using Mdk8.1
> Can I use the Mdk9.0 cd isos to upgrade directly? Would be 100% ok?
> We have the home in another partition, would be better to
> reformat and reinstall evething (except home)?
> If I donload and install the RC3,
> How to update with the final release only the necessary packtes?

Should be able to.  But no guarantees.  Fresh installs are always ideal.


Never take no as an answer from someone who isn't authorized to say yes.

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