Le Vendredi 20 Septembre 2002 21:42, Norman Carver a écrit :
> Additional usability problems for supermount under KDE:
> (1)  Most important:  after CDROM has been accessed via Konqueror, when
> you eject the CDROM, tray opens and then immdiately closes again.  This
> happens as long as any Konqueror windows are open--even those that have
> never accessed /mnt/cdrom.  So, you have to close ALL Konqueror windows to
> get your CD back--unless you want to forcibly restrain the tray.  (This
> does not happen if you simply cd into /mnt/cdrom--you can eject the CDROM
> even while shell windows are still open to /mnt/cdrom.)

> (2) With Konqueror, navigating to /mnt, it can take as long as 10s for a
> directory listing to appear.  Similar time to refresh the directory
> listing.

Same problems here ! Could this be fixed before final ? These are important 
bugs I think.

( Ok, I know this post is totally useless, but I really think it's very 
annoying to spend 30 sec trying to get a CD out of the tray)




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