rcc wrote on Sat, Sep 21, 2002 at 04:26:47PM +0200 :
> > If X is actually running for you guys it sounds more like it's just
> > running at a vertical or horizontal frequency beyond what your
> > monitor/lcd can handle.  Have you tried tweaking those freqeuncy
> > ranges?
> maybe, but why does the old driver work when the new one doesn't? The

Because the new driver is programmed to drive the chip into the higher
performing modes which actually exceed your monitor's capabilities.  Set
the correct frequency limits in your XF86Config-4 file and your problems
will go away.  Use either XFdrake or edit it manually if you prefer.

Blue skies...                   todd
| MandrakeSoft USA             | Security is like an onion.  It's made |
| http://www.mandrakesoft.com  | made up of several layers and makes   |
| http://www.mandrakelinux.com | you cry.              --Howard Chu    |
   Cooker Version mandrake-release-9.0-0.3mdk Kernel 2.4.19-12mdk

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