On Sun, 22 Sep 2002, tarvid wrote:

> I have it working sort of.
> isql will now bring up a database from a mysql server
> I installed the RedHat MyODBC RPM which installs in /usr/local with
> configuration files in /usr/local/etc instead of /etc

And you don't feel like fixing this yourself ....

And I think you probably mean the RPM from mysql.com, I am quite sure the
one in RH doesn't install in /usr/local ...

> a royal mess

Of your own making ...

> OO dies instantly when asking for the table list from the database.

Can you access them via MyODBC with something else (aka an OO.o bug, or a
myODBC problem?)

> This obviously gets little attention from Mandrake.

Great encouraging email.

What is this? A bug report? A package request.

Now what should I do with the SRPM of MyODBC I have been working on?
Doesn't sound like you're interested in fixing this ... so maybe I
shouldn't put it into contrib, and just use it internally ...

Maybe you want to try again, and I will change my mind.


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