On Monday 23 Sep 2002 10:58, Buchan Milne wrote:
> tarvid wrote:
> > Good grief. It was just a ploy to get attentiion.
> It's not necessary to be demanding and almost rude to get attention.
> I haven't seen any requests for myODBC at all (at least since May,
> which is as far as my cooker mailbox goes atm).
> > Yes, it is the mysql.com RPM marked as "RedHat". I looked at two at
> > rpmfind and urpmi reported bad signatures.
> >
> > Yes, I have been flailing and things are messy here.
> I have an RPM that compiles fine, and should be ok, but I haven't had
> a chance to test it. I will put it up somewhere for you, and in the
> mean time try and test it and get it into contrib.
> Here, try these:
> http://ranger.dnsalias.com/mandrake/cooker/MyODBC-2.50.39-1mdk.i586.r
> http://ranger.dnsalias.com/mandrake/cooker/MyODBC-2.50.39-1mdk.src.rp
> > isql will execute sql commands on a remote mysql server. The key
> > bindings suck and a newline marks the end of a command but
> > otherwise it looks rather like mysql. Without the myodbc driver,
> > isql simply hangs with no output on a readline. I managed to get a
> > seg fault on one version I tried.
> isql?
I thought myodbc needed iodbc of which I think isql is a part
> > DataManager survives to the login when I try to list tables.
> >
> > OO calc does the same.
> >
> > I think a functioning OO MS Access like facility would be fantastic
> > and will contribute significant effor to get there..
> Agreed, and a frontend for MySQL would also be cool, I guess I should
> take another look at MyCC also.
Knoda now works fine with gcc-3.2.  Version 0.5.4 of knoda and 
hk_classes should be released about now. I know this because I was 
involved in the testing.

Gentoo Linux (portage-2.0.37).  KDE: 3.0.3  Qt: 3.0.5
AMD Athlon(tm) XP 1600+ 512MB.  Kernel: 2.4.19-win4lin. GCC 3.2
Linux user #275590 (http://counter.li.org/).  up 23:59.

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