Buchan Milne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> And, there also need to be people who use the software in question
> daily.  As an example (not to dis Fred), I don't think Fred Crozat
> uses Mozilla mail, but he is the packager. I do use mozilla-mail
> daily (and have about 30 people, increasing daily, using it on
> windows atm).
> I am quite sure that between the non-Mandrakesoft employees on this
> list, and the MandrakeExperts, that there could be approx 1
> volunteer per major package.
> So, I think it would be feasible (depeding on how easily Bugzilla
> can be hacked to do this) to have at least one non-mandrakesoft
> bug-triager per package, who would be able to answer the easy
> questions (fixed in -Xmdk, known bug in original package, fix in
> progress etc), thus removing a lot of the noise from the list.

that's quite an nice idea

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