On Thu, 26 Sep 2002 17:56, Thierry Vignaud wrote:
> Buchan Milne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> So, I think it would be feasible (depeding on how easily Bugzilla
>> can be hacked to do this) to have at least one non-mandrakesoft
>> bug-triager per package, who would be able to answer the easy
>> questions (fixed in -Xmdk, known bug in original package, fix in
>> progress etc), thus removing a lot of the noise from the list.

> that's quite an nice idea

Mandrake Valued Professionals? (-:

Or just Rueben's Angels? As in the `I have hired thee with my son's mandrakes' 
occasion in Genesis chapter 30. (-:

Each package would have two owners, the Mandrake employee and their lay 
adoptee. Would it be feasible to tuck that away in the RPMs somewhere so it 
could be found by Cooker denizens but not widely advertised (e.g. doesn't pop 
out in rpm -qi) for the Mandrake-using public at large?

Cheers; Leon

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