On Thu, 26 Sep 2002, Leon Brooks wrote:

> I'm happy to throw an RPM collection together from my existing archives but I 
> have (1) nowhere suitable to host it and (2) insufficient time to modify an 
> installer to take it into account (you would *have* to at least boot from it 
> and invoke a modified installer that knew about the extra CD/CDs).
> A general mechanism to allow `extension' or `bonus' CDs (including those not 
> from Mandrake, with an appropriate warning about mileage and variation) 
> during an install would be a fine addition to the installer, as would be the 
> ability to present a CD full of updates up front.

A modified installer perhaps is a bit of work. But if one could add the
extra CD to the rpmdrake source list, then for upgrading is just matter of

rpm -F *

afterwards, while for installing new things you cold use rpmdrake...


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