At 11:39 AM 9/26/02 +0200, you wrote:

>you have to understand that we receive lots of mails (i mean several
>thousands per day).
>we use scorring and the like to reduce the text volume to read but it
>still takes time.

First thanks for the answer.

All right, I understand it's a big load... how
about making it lighter ?

I decided to subscribe to cooker after reading on
MandrakeForum that it was a possible way to report
problems. After reading it for a few weeks, I think that
it is a bad idea.

Cooker should be a list for developers only. That is,
it should be possible to report a bug on it *only if 
one has a fix* (a real one, a patch, or a significant
work around, not just saying 'it works in Windows or
with RedHat or Mandrake version N')

Do this a firm and explicit policy for everyone and
cooker will be much easier to read.

Warn infringers, including people responding to
non-developer posts. If it does not work, cast
them out of the mailing list.

An indirect advantage is that newcomers will be much
less frequent, so you could then ask firmly
for well formatted mails (no html, no top-posting,
correct quoting - snipping the irrelevant parts),
giving more readable posts.
Also warn and take action against chatters.
As per the Netiquette, personnal or irrelevant
discussions should be done by private email.
There is way too much noise on this list.

If you have a strict policy on Cooker, bugzilla
*has* to work - non-developers can also have
interesting input. If possible a community
moderation could be useful to cut the time
wasted by Mandrake developers on bugzilla.
With a vote system (Apache like), an
uninteresting bug report could be deleted by
negatives votes from 2 different people, for
example. The moderators would be selected by
Mandrake of course.
If no decision occurs in a specified time,
the bug is automatically escalated to a higher
level to be seen by Mandrake people.
Anyway, Mandrake _has_ to have a _good_ bugmaster,
whose *primary* responsibility is to handle
bugzilla, move problems to cooker when
appropriate, and move workarounds and fixes posted
on cooker to bugzilla bugs.

To sum up the argument :
- Cooker should be the place where contributors
bring _solutions_ to Mandrake.
- Bugzilla should be the place where people
bring _problems_ to Mandrake.

Finally, congrats and take some good time now,
you all deserved it. RC3 works much better
for me than 8.2 (and I was happy with 8.2).
Next time expert mode in drakconnect will work
I'm sure :-)


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