Gerard Patel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I got the impression that some developers were reluctant to use the
> mailing list; for example, I posted a message about net_monitor, got
> invited to post code, did it, got absolutely no answer, reposted in
> case the code had been lost, in vain, gave up, then noticed that the
> code had been indeed added to net_monitor.

you have to understand that we receive lots of mails (i mean several
thousands per day).
we use scorring and the like to reduce the text volume to read but it
still takes time.
so when an adknowledgment (such as "ok", "thanks", "won't do it",
"we'll do that after the release", ...) would be fine, we sometimes
don't do it.

i understand this can be frustating but we cannot yet clone ourselves
to work 72h a day :-(

if we get something just right, we just commit it :-)
or we just package it :-) (and then it get reported in changelog ml)
you can see that a confiance evidence in your posts or reliability
proof into our reports

we've an internal ml called install that get "spammed" with cvs
maybe should we make publically availlable a cooker-cvs ml.

you must understand that releasing time is very stressing time for us.

on the other hand, we're humans like everybody and we're not perfect.

what's more sometimes we can be in mad mood because of multiples
identical reports or "support requests disguised as reports", invalid
bug reports, ...

these 3 items may explain why sometimes people can think we don't care
about them or their reports: this is just because we're not perfect.
this was not planned.

anyway we're sorry if you (the communauty) can get annoyed by feeling
we don't care about you (ie by not get enough feedback from your
feedback, ideas, ...).

we can do better and will try to do better :-)

we'll still try to give you the better we can do :-)

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