Warly wrote:
>>b) The mailing list is not easily searchable for people who aren't
>>maintaining their own archives.  Before everyone starts pointing me off
>>to the web archives at theaimsgroup hear me out here.  I often have
>>difficulty finding messages there that I know were posted.  Frankly the
>>search on that site is not all that effective.  But even considering
>>that, Mandrake doesn't even link to it anywhere that I know of.  No
>>mention of online archives are made on the cookerdevel.php3 page.  You
>>can find an archive listing on the Lists page but that only goes to
>>Mandrake's archive that isn't searchable.  We criticize posters for
>>reposting the same bugs time and time again yet we don't provide them
>>easy access to find out if their bug has been reported and even possibly
>>fixed.  Thierry even states repeated bug reports are a source of
>>irritation for him and I'm sure he isn't alone.
> Gael, Ben is right on this point our archives are less usable than the
> one at http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=mandrake-cooker. Maybe could we
> link to them on the cooker page?
> Regarding the search, I fix the quick search on the bugzilla main page, and
> it would be nice, as Pixel suggested, to have a ligther complex search page, so
> that anyone prefer searching for bugs instead of posting new ones.

It would be more coherent to add a search tool to our mailling-lists archives. 
We'll see if we can add one, and if not, we will link to the archives above.


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