Le Jeudi 26 Septembre 2002 20:04, Todd Lyons a écrit :
> Gary Lawrence Murphy wrote on Thu, Sep 26, 2002 at 01:15:00AM -0400 :
> > Maybe we need a Cooker FAQ...
> http://www.mandrakelinux.com/en/cookerfaq.php3
> Blue skies...                 Todd

All email link are broken:
send your email to Lenny -> the link is 

I notice on lot of page...

Maybe to have on this page the state of cooker:
Something like:

Cooker is open
Last release Dolphin, Sept 2002
Next on Mar 2003

If someone only want purpose a nex package.

Another things, maybe add link to Voluntaries Club, and having a way for lenny 
to ask to contributors if someone is interrest to make/fix/upload a package 
submit by ftp.

Linux pour Mac !? Enfin le moyen de transformer
une pomme en véritable ordinateur. - JL.
Olivier Thauvin - http://nanardon.homelinux.org/

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