On Tue, Oct 01, 2002 at 12:23:53AM +0100, Peter Ruskin wrote:
> You should stop being such a prat Ben.  I for one am getting tired of 
> this constant carping and drivel from you ... just who do you think 
> *you* are?

I think that I'm a cooker contributor, secteam member, club volunteer,
club VIP member, Mandrake shareholder and a Mandrake customer.  Not
necessarily in that order.  But I really don't think I have to explain
who I am.  I think my record of contributions speaks for itself:
rpm -qa --changelog | grep -i 'reser' | grep -v reserv | more

Of course this doesn't count the work I do on the security team or the

I think you'll find this command telling:
rpm -qa --changelog | egrep -i 'stodden|ronst'

Fact is Ron constantly bitches but does very little to actually help the
development process.  Despite touting his 39 years of experience.  And
he has posted support issues here.  

Consider his rants about:
* 8.2 disappearing off the mirrors (they didn't really disappear he just
didn't know what he was talking about)
* hdlist2.cz... (I'd call this a support issue since it was just an
error in the 9.0 release tree.  Really has nothing to do with cooker,
cooker didn't even have this problem).
* His video card issue which he never bothered to report until just now.
Now that we actually see what it is... it doesn't look like a bug to me.
Looks to me like he has a motherboard that has built in sound that
XFree86 thinks is a display device for some reason.  And when I say a
bug I mean a Mandrake bug.  Looks like a bug in 4.2.1.  To top it off it
looks like the workaround is practically suggested to him in the logs.
Further with his 39 years of experience he couldn't even read the log
right.  It says it couldn't find the Device SECTION not couldn't find
the Device.  And if it is a bug in 4.2.1 it should be reported to the
XFree folks.

So yeah I'm on his ass.  But that's because he's constantly on ours
about everything.  Seems only fair that he get his fair share of it
back.  However I still don't think I'm posting drivel.  And the vast
majority of my posts are not carping.  If anyone is carping on this list
it's Ron.  And if you can't see that then you really need to go read the
list archives some more.


Never take no as an answer from someone who isn't authorized to say yes.

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