On Tue, 1 Oct 2002, Ron Stodden wrote:

> Guy.Bormann wrote:
> > [snip]
> >
> >>9.0 is unusable on this machine, 8.2 is fully functional.
> >>
> >>Am I not to complain?
> >
> > Until you show us /var/log/XFree86.<some number, likely 0>.log,
> > lspci -v, /var/log/dmesg and /proc/iomem?...Nope, you can not!
> > (Oh, BTW, how does /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 look like???)
> >
> > If you provide us this, we can find out if it is you or Mdk9.0...
> >
> > Guy (yes, me)
> >
> > PS: It is possible Mandrake did not include the Glide3 stuff that is
> > needed for Voodoo cards...
> Adding the BusID line fixed the problem.   However, if a BusID line is
> necessary with Voodoo3 (Generic) the installer should have generated it
> into XFConfig-4, surely?
Well, it is not the Voodoo3 per sé that needs the BusID but those few
machines that have multiple primary PCI devices the X init routines find
(by whatever criterion it uses). Why the installer can make the driver
stick to PCI:1:0:0 all by itself I don't know but the XF86Config-4 file is
probably not generated through the same process. If it is an X tool, then
you better take this issue to the XFree86 people...

> Guy, thanks for your help.
Never mind...

>   I am relieved that the fault was not mine!
Well, that is a matter of opinion in this case. I can not put the blame on
Mandrake as I'm too much in the RTFM-camp (a.k.a. know your system; of
course for that you need a working system). On the other hand, I cannot
blame the user because I understand many users seem to think they
actually only have a working system when it has a GUI. And where does one
start looking for the clues? (The Net of course using lynx >:-> )
  However, calling 9.0 Mdk useless (instead of not really up to snuff) you
went a bridge too far in my opinion, especially when you realize what
effort goes in a Linux distribution aimed at a moving (hardware and
userbase) target. Look what happens (see : Debian) when you try to iron
out all actual and potential (your case) issues. You will always be left


PS: I may be giving redundant answers by now but for some reason I answer
the messages in the order I read them...

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