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Vincent Danen wrote:
| On Thursday, October 17, 2002, at 02:00 AM, Buchan Milne wrote:
|> Mandrake development is open, you could have tested it, and it would
|> have been found earlier. It's pretty obvious that Mandrakesoft can't
|> employ enough people to test everything, that's what cooker and the
|> beta releases are for. Bugs are theirs, but only if they know about them.
| Absolutely.  We can't test every single thing.  For instance, being the
| maintainer of openssh, I couldn't be bothered to test to make sure that
| putty, ssh (commercial), and every other ssh client for every other
| platform works.  Does this make me an irresponsible maintainer?  I don't
| think so.  As long as openssh<->openssh works, and rbrowser on my OS X
| machine can connect to my linux box over openssh, I'm satisfied it
| works.  I also won't setup a kerberos realm in order to test kerberos
| authentication.

I am not sure it's the best approach to have people maitaining (at least
without reasonable input from people who do) software they don't use.
There are almost always more things that can be done to have a package
work better.

I don't think apache2 would be the same without Oden, and I hope I have
made a difference to samba (and there are many others who help make
other packages better of course).

(And no, I can't afford to spend time on LDAP also unless it applies to
samba, sorry Vince.).

These sorts of tests can (and should) be done by the
| authors/beta testers of the actual software... I leave it to the openssh
| team to fix/test these things.  I'll make sure that openssh runs on
| Mandrake in the more typical scenarios and move on to other work.


|> Thanks for the bug report. Vince, will you take a look at this?
| When I have a chance, I'll take a look at it.  Seems like I've somehow
| filled the role of resident LDAP expert (dunno how...).

Maybe the fact that you're the maintainer of the package, and author of
some of the better LDAP docs around?

| I've still got an 8.2 server setup as an LDAP authentication server, but
| I'm not actually using it as such across the network due to my findings
| when I wrote the piece for MandrakeSecure.  AFAIK, there have been new
| versions of pam_ldap and nss_ldap recently, and some interesting mails
| across the mailing list so when I've got a chance, I hope to revise the
| document and possibly come up with a better and more reliable method of
| handling authentication.  When I do, I'll give it a shot and even waste
| some time installing in vmware with a separate /usr partition
| specifically for this test.

I've got a production box running an ldap server on 8.2, and another one
will be setup soon (probably running 9.0).

I should still make some more docs for running samba on LDAP ... there
are some issues still.


- --
|----------------Registered Linux User #182071-----------------|
Buchan Milne                Mechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work            +27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x121
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering         http://www.cae.co.za
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