On Thu, 17 Oct 2002 19:09:44 -0700 (PDT) David Walser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The only valid point I thought she was was her
> complaint about MCC being based on Gtk+1, but that,
> like many of the other things she cried about has
> already been argued about on this list.

Far from it, it's a weak point. gtk2 was new at the time of the first beta
and the Mandrake tools catching up with it in their own time was probably a
good decision. It's not as if they're the only gtk[1] tools in the
distribution; by her logic Galeon, Evolution, Sylpheed, the Gimp et alia
should be similarly criticised!

As a UI designer I find her reviews intensely annoying. It's good that
_someone_ is focussing on the Linux desktop GUI, but it's both what she says
and the way she says it (unprofessionally) that's the problem ...


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