On Thursday 17 October 2002 09:09 pm, David Walser wrote:
> --- Brad Chamberlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > it doesn't matter if the review is "95%" opinion,
> > most reviews are...if it had
> > been more favoriable this wouldn't be an issue.
> Sure it would, the review would still have been just
> as useless.  The only thing useful is constructive
> criticism, and detailed at that.  In fact, even more
> useful is code :o)
> The only valid point I thought she was was her
> complaint about MCC being based on Gtk+1, but that,
> like many of the other things she cried about has
> already been argued about on this list.

Sometimes, I do think that Mandrake should dump supermount, though.  Yes, it's 
easier to use, but it causes too many problems for too many people.  I 
personally turn it off whenever I re-install, because it is incredibly 
unreliable.  I wonder if there's a way to do the same thing in userspace?  
Maybe have a program that gets called whenever the CDROM is opened/closed?  
How does supermount actually work?

Some of her other points are semi-valid.  I do think that the menu could 
probably be made better.  But then, it's not such a big problem as it is. 

The only other thing I can think of that *I* don't like 100% is the installer 
- you can sometimes really screw things up by going back via the icon button 
things, and there should be a retry button when a package fails to install. 
But she failed to highlight any of these problems or propose any constructive 
-- Igor

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