To be quite honest, I am at a loss as to why Mandrake have gone the two application approach.
I find it counter intuitive and clumsy.

I also find the installer annoying if I try install a list of packages, something goes wrong and it forgets all the selections I have made. I have to repeat them all again for the next attempt (really bad if you are doing wildcard searches then have to individually de-select packages due to conflicts/space)


On Wed, 2002-10-23 at 06:58, Danny Tholen wrote:
I read this on a forum on mandrakeclub:

>What would be nice is some way of searching for a package when I don't know 
>if it is installed or not. Right now I have to search the software 
>installer, then search the uninstaller in two separate operations. I am 
using MDK 9.0

Have to say I kind of agree with this opinion. But I have little ideas on how 
it logically fits in the 2 application-design for add/remove. Perhaps a 
search in either of the two programs can indicate if an app is already 
installed/not installed?


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