hmm, the lack of graphics problem isn't news to me. ~g~ sure there are a lot of graphics apps, but only the gimp is of the same quality as most windows based graphics apps.

pointing out that there are roughly an equal number of people using linux ( all distros ) and macs to these non linux software companies may get them to port, but nothing else will.

reading the configuration files from windows at install of LM isn't as simple as it sounds.. with the weirdness in the different windows versions. and the xp ntfs that isn't read by linux yet.

add Autodesk, Discreet, Mcneel & Associates, Maxon, actually all graphics app companies for windows graphics, to your list of arrogant windows only companies. ( Autocad, 3D Studio Max & Combustion, Rhinoceros Nurbs Modelling, Cinema 4D, the respective apps of the companies listed )

ease of installing post market apps is something windows is good for, but with most linux apps even the graphical front end to urpmi works fine. if linux was only as capable as windows, then it could fit onto one cd and there wouldn't be multiple cds involved in installing apps.

just my $0.02

Jason Greenwood wrote:
I agree 100%. I work in an office that does primarily web design and hosting. There are Mac Titanium G4's (running OSX) and PC's running Windows. This is because about 90% of the work is done in Dreamweaver, Freehand, Flash etc. Until there are viable OSS options (or a Linux port by Adobe and Macromedia, two of the most arrogant software companies in the world) this is how it will stay. I myself run ML because I don't use any graphic design software but if I did, I'd be stuck. At home I dual boot for this very reason...Sad but true.

My .002c worth.

Jason Greenwood

Faraj Meir wrote:

Before telling what suck (for win$ user)I would like to tell what to do for
porting them to unix...
Doing better things is essential but not sufficient since users having
already configured computers
do not want to reconfigure all things again in linux.
I think that porting their configuration to linux option is a good thing:
like their favorite folder , their mails , mail folders , config... ,
shortcut to my Document ....
networks setting (adsl connection lan etc)...
User that got all thingy better and unchanged a lot would be ported to linux
smoothlier that not.

second what sucks ?

I ask friends I got some answers :
"il ont essaye avec le srpm....

mais bn cest qd meme le bordel"

I think the same it's to hard to install things because of dependancy , told
to windows user : you want to install a dvd prog , with descss enabled go to
plf (is ok) take libdcss go to contrib (what another things to do?)and the
version x is needed for this ... blabla...

it's not ok at all it's to complicate ...

another sucking problems :

do you want to create flash?

excuse me this is a propriatary software and wine will be in version 1.0 in
2030 , it will execute it by this date smoothly without problem and without
waiting few minute before seeing it in the screen with very bad fonts....etc

same things for : dreamweaver , photoshop , kazaa , all adobe and
all macromedia thingy ....
you will said their are some remplacement , I and other windows user
will ask you they sucks...

I think that when wine will be 1.0 and will be fast in executing
windows program (most windows common program)
and eay on installation and good integration .
at this time windows user will go out from windows and come to linux ...

Meir Faraj

True, but Win's original post was made for a different purpose, contained


these two lines:

We are talking here about those little annoying things that make
windows users say linux sucks.

The WINE people are now doing stuff like taking the top downloads from


installing them on a clean system and seeing if WINE does The Right


with them.

If Mandrake wants to retain a reputation for ease of use, it will also

need to

retain a propensity for making the tools do The Right Thing(tm) every


Cheers; Leon

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