On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 10:11, Owen Savill wrote:
> I agree. I find that as a laptop user the fonts look even better with 
> the rgba = rgb; lines commented "back in" in XftConfig.

Outdated. That's the Xft1 config file. Cooker no longer uses Xft1, but
Xft2/fontconfig. You can enabled subpixel hinting by editing
/etc/fonts/fonts.conf manually. You can also do it with GNOME2's new
fonts dialogue, I don't know if KDE's has an equivalent option yet.

> However TT fonts still look pretty rough in Mozilla and Opera, maybe 
> they do things there own way ?

*sigh* it'd really help if you'd read the archives, you know. To go over
this for the twentieth time, you need to edit the file
/usr/lib/mozilla-1.1/defaults/pref/unix.js . Set the truetype block
(line 228 or so) to read like this (assuming you have PLF freetype2, if
not you may find it works better with the first value set to true,

// if libfreetype was built without hinting compiled in
// it is best to leave hinting off
pref("font.FreeType2.autohinted", false);
pref("font.FreeType2.unhinted", false);

Et voila, nice Mozilla/Galeon fonts. I don't know about Opera.

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