On Sun, 1 Dec 2002, Leon Brooks wrote:

> On Sunday 01 December 2002 05:35 am, Ben Reser wrote:

> > I don't really approve of PLF.  It has packages on there that aren't
> > even legal anywhere... e.g. the win32 codecs.  No "dirty tricks" are
> > used at all in that package.   Considering that I'm in the US, I won't
> > join that list...  So if someone wants to put my package in PLF that's
> > their privilege, it's GPL.

IMHO, PLF needs to be restructured a bit to take these issues into
account, and I guess we will haev to leave you out of the discussion.

One of the reasons for this is the fact that I am involved in a project to
make a customised distro for South Africa, based on Mandrake, but removing
some decisions from an install, and since we don't have an equivalent of
the DMCA yet, it would be nice to include some software currently
available in PLF, but we wouldn't be able to include win32-codecs I guess.

> Texstar or Ranger would probably be happy to host it for you. AFAICT, Ranger
> has nothing dodgy (dangerous to DMCA-encumbered citizens) on his box

Actually, I have a local PLF mirror for the convenience of the users at
the university ... but you will notice fewer RPMs for 9.0 than I had for
8.2, they're going into MandrakeClub now ...

, and
> Texstar's `dodgies' are things like Flash and RealPlayer, free-to-distribute
> like the MSFT TTF's in question anyway.

I think the best option is to get Ben's RPM into PLF, it has actually been
discussed there before. Watch plf-discuss for the rest I guess ...


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