On Mon, Dec 02, 2002 at 11:08:23PM +0200, Buchan Milne wrote:
> Was this regarding an account with rights to upload to contrib? Did you
> follow it up?
> And a number of people who put up those other pages are starting to
> contribute to cooker/MandrakeClub, so that their packages are useful to
> more people.
> Sorry, I guess I sounded a bit antagonistic in the previous mail, but I
> *really* *really* *really* hate duplication of work, which is why
> virtually all my RPMs now go into one of these places:
> 1)Samba ftp server (RPMs of latest stable samba for as many releases as I
> have a machine to build on)
> 2)contrib
> 3)MandrakeClub
> 4)PLF
> If any RPMs don't fit in one of those places, I dump them on
> ranger.dnsalias.com. Ideally, these are the minority. I have left the RPMS
> from before I decided on this up though.
> If all the non-Mandrakesoft people on this list didn't package, we would
> all be the worse for it. People that come to mind are Oden, Goetz,
> Olivier, Guillaume Rousse, but there are many more.
> At present there is a lot of duplication (and incompatible duplication) of
> work between what you do, and what other Mandrake-related projects do. I
> just don't see the point of seperately maintained and incompatible (using
> different package names) packages.
> I would hope you reconsider your stance.

I don't blame his stance.  I'm pondering personally not contributing to
Mandrake at all anymore after repeated issues that I've had with them.  
It's hard to justify taking the time to submit a package when you get
rude responses or your package just plain gets ignored (still wondering
if the bug fixes I made to the wireless-tools package will ever be
uploaded).  And that's only mentioning the issues with package
submission..  I'm not even gonna get into the other issues with Mandrake
in general.

I'm starting to think that the effort of submitting packages is not
worth the results.


"If you're not making any mistakes, you're flat out not trying hard
enough." - Jim Nichols

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