On 11 Jan 2003 03:18:04 -0500 Lyvim Xaphir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Fri, 2003-01-10 at 16:40, Pierre Fortin wrote:
> > They have been happening since I first upgraded to 9.0 on a fresh 8.2
> Have you considered that THAT may be the center of your problem?  I have
> seldom heard of an upgrade going well.  Now bug fixes, normal updates,
> and that sort of thing on the same distro have gone fine on both lists.
> I don't know of anybody that recommends an upgrade style distro
> transition.  I think you should install 9.0 from scratch, if you haven't
> already.

Respectfully, then WHY did Mdk add the 3rd option (2nd upgrade method) --
if upgrades are so bad, Mdk should have removed the existing one, not
added a 2nd one...  

> > install...  The other day, there were no uninstalled updates.  My
> > system is as up-to-date as can be AFAIK...  
> > 
> > I still can't use ohphone -- no update was ever released.
> > CD is flaky.
> > Discovered sound problem when I tried to listen to The Linux Show the
> > other night.
> > ~/.kde related system crashing was early Dec.
> > Local printer problem appeared last night.
> > 
> > My fear is 9.1 will not help since I follow cooker list and don't see
> > much of this addressed...
> Format your partitions and reinstall 9.0 pristine.  Then reevaluate.

I don't see how this will help:
- ohphone/openh323 is not compiled properly -- the developer tried to
blame me initially.
- CD is a "supermount issue"; happens on pristine installs too
- sound has been a problem for a long time -- threads galore on that
- ~/.kde is a known issue even on pristine installs
- CUPS problems are a nearly daily thread on cooker/expert

Does anyone have a tool to compare a pristine install to an upgrade?  That
would provide some useful information compared to the unscientific "do a
pristine install" approach.  If upgrades are a problem, pristine installs
over them won't help get to the bottom of the problem(s)...  

Besides, isn't cooker an "upgrade" system; I don't see much "do a pristine
cooker install" being recommended -- though I may be missing those.

We won't fix the problems if we keep hiding them, or running from them...

The gist of this thread is that we need Mdk to work on reliability and
stability more than eye candy...

I'm about to hammer on WalMart for the lack of support from their supplier
(Microtel) of Linux systems...

If Linux distros and suppliers don't care about those things that got
Linux where it is, then the movement is doomed, and I won't stand by and
let it happen if I can help it.

> > Pierre
> --LX


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