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--- Pierre Fortin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit : > On 14
Jan 2003 06:04:19 -0500 Lyvim Xaphir
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Sat, 2003-01-11 at 10:56, Pierre Fortin wrote:
> > 
> > > Respectfully, then WHY did Mdk add the 3rd
> option (2nd upgrade method)
> > > -- if upgrades are so bad, Mdk should have
> removed the existing one,
> > > not added a 2nd one...  
> > 
> > You misunderstand.  The objective is not to
> eliminate or deprecate
> > upgrades; the objective is to get a base case for
> comparison; and in so
> > doing, perhaps something that works better, as a
> side effect.
> Lyvin, you normally have quite clear responses... 
> can you translate this
> one for me...  my point is that there should be no
> reason for anyone
> saying "but you should do an install [if you want'
> stability/reliability]"
> -- I can't quite grok what you're saying..
> Like this:
> > > > Format your partitions and reinstall 9.0
> pristine.  Then reevaluate.
> > >
> > > I don't see how this will help:
> > > - ohphone/openh323 is not compiled properly --
> the developer tried to
> > > blame me initially.
> > > - CD is a "supermount issue"; happens on
> pristine installs too
> > > - sound has been a problem for a long time --
> threads galore on that
> > > - ~/.kde is a known issue even on pristine
> installs
> > > - CUPS problems are a nearly daily thread on
> cooker/expert
> >  
> > > Does anyone have a tool to compare a pristine
> install to an upgrade? 
> > > That would provide some useful information
> compared to the
> > > unscientific "do a pristine install" approach. 
> If upgrades are a
> > > problem, pristine installs over them won't help
> get to the bottom of
> > > the problem(s)...  
> > 
> > Hah!  Unscientific, eh?  Why would you try to
> troubleshoot a problematic
> > upgrade without installing a clean 9.1 beta in
> parallel (in another
> > partiton on the same hardware) to provide a base
> case for comparison
> > purposes? The reason for a Cooker mailing list
> subscription is mainly to
> > TEST the beta's. That being the case, and you
> having problems, then you
> > need to be comparing upgrades to clean installs. 
> It is very unsmart
> > evaluation procedure to compare a problematic
> upgrade to another
> > problematic upgrade, especially if they are the
> same upgrade.  You
> > always need a base case; in science we call that
> the control.  Therefore
> > you need to have two hard drive areas available on
> the same hardware to
> > install 9.1 to in order to make comparisons, if
> indeed you are
> > evaluating upgrade/install or troubleshooting the
> upgrade functions of
> > cooker.  That's just common sense.
> Ummm....  maybe you misses the point that this is on
> an IBM ThinkPad A20m
> -- there are NO differences between "Joe's" A20m and
> mine (except that my
> memory is maxed out) -- do you know where I can get
> alternate hardware for
> this box?  So, are you saying that given identical
> hardware, there can't
> be a "base case" somewhere for all A20m users to
> compare to?  And yes, I
> know that we can install different packages; or are
> you also saying that
> installing "SuperFOO" negates the possibility of a
> base case?
> It's disconcerting to hear on one hand that Linux
> allows modular
> approaches, and on the other, that Mandrake requires
> everything to be a
> single, unseparable entity...
> > > Besides, isn't cooker an "upgrade" system; I
> don't see much "do a
> > > pristine cooker install" being recommended --
> though I may be missing
> > > those.
> > 
> > You've just seen one; and the reason I recommended
> it was not so that
> > you could have a production quality system; since
> we are dealing with a
> > beta and the entire thrust of the cooker list
> discussion is to locate
> > problems; therefore if you are evaluating an
> upgrade then you need a
> > base case to compare against, otherwise your
> results are tainted by
> > contamination from the previous install. (and lack
> of a control)
> and if these contaminations are always hidden by
> installs, how will the
> upgrade process ever get fixed???
> > If there is no difference, then *fine*; that means
> you have eliminated
> > previous distro contamination as a possiblility. 
> That's one advantage
> > of the control case -- finding out where the the
> problems are NOT.
> But...  as I've been saying for many years, as a
> result of years of
> experience trouble shooting:  
> "Until you've found *and* fixed a problem, you can
> NOT discount *any*
> possibility; what you gratuitously discount will
> likely be the source of
> the problem(s)."
> > By installing fresh you also isolate problems that
> are possibly inherent
> > in the installation routine, but that may not show
> up in the upgrade
> > procedure.
> Disagree...  you just hide/mask the problems --
> besides, if there isn't
> enough disk space to do paralle installs, just how
> is one to compare...?
> Even if there is space, what tools exist to help
> narrow down possible
> sources of problems?
> > > We won't fix the problems if we keep hiding
> them, or running from
> > > them...
> > 
> > Very true; and we will never fix anything at all
> without some modicum of
> > troubleshooting skill.
> Agreed.
> > > The gist of this thread is that we need Mdk to
> work on reliability and
> > > stability more than eye candy...
> > 
> > Yes, and once again that requires proper
> troubleshooting skills.
> "proper" IMO is the ability to say: "hmmm...  let's
> figure out what is
> causing the problem -- if it doesn't immediately
> lead to HOW it was
> caused, at least we have some base knowledge to add
> to until we find how
> it was caused..."  In cases of not enough disk
> space, installing over a
> problem just hides/masks it...
> > > I'm about to hammer on WalMart for the lack of
> support from their
> > > supplier(Microtel) of Linux systems...
> > 
> > The open source world is struggling right now to
> be profitable and open
> > source at the same time.  A better expenditure of
> time and energy would
> > probably be in fixing cooker problems; or
> reporting them.  If WalMart
> > gets too much flak about their Linux distributors,
> they could possibly
> > cease distribution altogether and go back to
> winblows only.
> This was handled offline, though I agree with you to
> a point...  if
> Microtel aren't responsive, *they* will ruin it for
> us...
=== message truncated === 

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