On Thursday 16 January 2003 10:38 pm, Brook Humphrey wrote:
> I have been and am willing to do more here especially now that
> I'm in the club.


Now, if a few more of us will wave our hands for this I can get an article up 
on the news sites within a week or so which will in essence show that 
Mandrake-the-distro is thriving, which will hopefully attract more helpers 
*IF* there is a simple, clear way for them to help.

I'd also like you to wrack your brains for ways of distributing the 
wetware-computing involved in some of the simpler tasks. This includes ways 
of farming out the *supervision* and *integrity*checking* of simpler tasks.

I'm quite happy to leave a copy of Cooker (or whatever) super-niced and/or 
after-hours in a VM on suitable client boxes to rebuild, test or otherwise 
process stuff that would tie up a more critical-path Mandrake machine. Kind 
of like SETI-at-home but we *know* we'll find intelligence. (-:

A reorganisation and revival should be startling news to the many who will 
have written Mandrake off when they saw the word `bankruptcy' bandied about.

Now, how are the strata above StaffDrakes likely to react to this kind of 
thing? It seems a silly question to most of you, I'm sure, but how common is 
common sense? (-:

Cheers; Leon

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