Sony claims that VAIO systems are not designed for Linux, but I know for a fact that my system worked just fine w/ Mandrake 8.0. If I can see anything in 9.1, I would like to see a modification for APM so that my system is able to suspend again.

Here's what I know as of now: the confusion that causes the system to lock has something to do w/ the keyboard and the system's fan (I have a battery that causes the fan to studder at times; whenever it studders, the keyboard studders as well. Furthermore, when the system recovers from a suspend, it will work for about 5 seconds until the fan reactivates.). My guess is that the keyboard is wrongly detected and registered because between Mandrake versions 8.0 and 8.2 it has lost support for the windows keys (in 8.0, pushing the windows key would make the K menu pop up).
I will have more information soon -- I'm going to put 8.0 back onto my system and check the irq's of the keyboard and such.

P.S. For any of you that have a VAIO, try suspending during a system startup (not returning from a suspend, but a fresh boot). You'll see that the system works just fine throughout the entirety of the booting process until it gets to something about initializing the X-window system. Next time I write, I will include all the specific error messages and such that I can.

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