On Sat, 2003-01-25 at 17:06, B Lauber wrote:
>   Sony claims that VAIO systems are not designed for Linux, but I know for a 
> fact that my system worked just fine w/ Mandrake 8.0.  If I can see anything 
> in 9.1, I would like to see a modification for APM so that my system is able 
> to suspend again.

Just add "acpi=off" to the append line in lilo.conf (or the
configuration file for whatever bootloader you use :>). Then you'll get

>   Here's what I know as of now:  the confusion  that causes the system to 
> lock has something to do w/ the keyboard and the system's fan (I have a 
> battery that causes the fan to studder at times; whenever it studders, the 
> keyboard studders as well.  Furthermore, when the system recovers from a 
> suspend, it will work for about 5 seconds until the fan reactivates.).  My 
> guess is that the keyboard is wrongly detected and registered because 
> between Mandrake versions 8.0 and 8.2 it has lost support for the windows 
> keys (in 8.0, pushing the windows key would make the K menu pop up).
>   I will have more information soon -- I'm going to put 8.0 back onto my 
> system and check the irq's of the keyboard and such.

ACPI works very well on my C1XD; suspend doesn't seem to work, however.
(At least not with "cat 3 > /proc/acpi/sleep", which is the only method
I've heard of to invoke a suspend under ACPI.

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