Hi yall,

Just for info...


----------  Message transmis  ----------

Subject: [Xbox-linux] Letter to Microsoft
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 00:37:43 +0100
From: Michael Steil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This letter has been sent to Microsoft today:




We are the team responsible for the Xbox Linux Project, which you may
have heard of [0].

We should say first that we are big fans of the Xbox as a device and
have found much to like about it while working on it. Although its
733MHz CPU is no longer high end, it is still fine for many computing
tasks and we found it to be of high quality in many ways.

We are writing as we would like to release a version of Xbox Linux
which is able to run on unmodified Xboxes. As you know, the Xbox is a
normal PC that has been deliberately designed by yourselves so that as
sold, it can only execute programs which Microsoft has approved.

Our users are currently forced to modify their Xbox using a 'modchip',
to return the Xbox to being a normal PC which will accept programs
written by anyone (and there are some great non-Microsoft programs out
there [1], with many more that would be available if Microsoft did not
suppress them [2]).

We would strongly prefer that our users did not have this extra complex
step of opening their Xbox [3], and fitting extra circuitry [4] before
they can run Linux or other programs.

Because of Microsoft's deliberate design choices in terms of
restricting the software that may run on an unmodified xbox to
'Microsoft approved only' [5], coming to ask Microsoft, and presumably
paying Microsoft, is currently the only way we can get our port of the
GNU/Linux OS to interoperate with an unmodified box. Unkind people
might characterize this as a second deliberate monopoly created by
Microsoft even as they were being found guilty of creating an illegal
monopoly in Operating Systems software [6].

Xbox Linux gives choices back to the user which Microsoft denies them,
for example, Internet applications like a web browser [7], Instant
Messaging [8] and email client [9], Multimedia applications [10], and
Office applications [11], all for free [12].

We know that these features are popular with Xbox users, for example
the Mandrake-based Xbox Linux distrubition on our website has been
downloaded over 83,000 times [13] since last October, despite it being
a 350MB download and requiring a modchip to run. So there's no doubt
that our offering these features for free makes the Xbox are more
attractive platform to the consumer, and enabling their use on an
unmodified box at low cost will be a major factor in many people's
decisions to invest in the Xbox.

In terms of our being an 'established game publisher' [19], members of
our team have written games in the past, and our Xbox Linux
distribution runs such fine games as 'Tux vs Clippy' [14], 'Tux Racer'
[15], and 'Frozen Bubble' [16].

We would be grateful,then, if you could send us the further information
we will need to offer our alternative Operating System to Microsoft for
signing so it will be able to run on an unmodified Xbox. However,
please note the following points:

- We will consider signing an NDA about the details of the approvals
process if necessary. But because the current work of our project is to
reverse engineer the Xbox to provide interoperability with Linux, some
clauses in your NDA may not be acceptable to us.

- Also note we will not require any of the XDK development systems, nor
their restrictive licenses, since we have already written clean
alternatives. We will need certain exemptions from your normal game
requirement standards, since this is an alternative OS and not a game.

- Michael Steil did try to contact you via this email address [19]
August 1st 2002, but did not receive a reply. Of course, we understand
that, due to what some unkind persons are calling 'dumping' of the
consoles at below cost [17], you are making a big loss in this division
[18] and so perhaps cannot afford to staff this email address properly.
So to help make sure you are aware of our request, we have also made it
publicly available on our website.

- As a free software project, we cannot afford to pay large sums of
money for Microsoft to approve software which will be made freely
available under the GPL [12]. Because no further development, technical
information or support is required from you, and so we are asking
Microsoft only to take a couple of minutes to sign our XBE loader for
Linux which is already complete, we expect any costs to be in the range
of a few hundred dollars.

- More money may be available however - you may not be aware that
Project B of the Xbox Linux prize [20] includes up to $100,000 for a
person or company which allows Xbox Linux to boot on an unmodded box.
Microsoft will be eligible to apply for an award under this scheme if
they approve Xbox Linux as a normal Xbox program.

We are waiting to hear from you on what are the next steps we should
take towards publishing this truly innovative Microsoft-approved Xbox
Linux distribution!

Yours faithfully

Michael Steil, [EMAIL PROTECTED], +49 173 8285119
Andy Green, [EMAIL PROTECTED], +44 1536 398199
Milosch Meriac, [EMAIL PROTECTED], +49 30 4435 2194

On behalf of the Xbox Linux Team.

[0] http://xbox-linux.sf.net/
[1] http://www.xboxmediaplayer.de/
[2] http://xbox.mame.net/
[3] http://www.xbox-scene.com/articles/open1.php
[4] http://www.xbox-scene.com/articles/stems.php
[5] http://xbox-linux.sourceforge.net/articles.php?aid=2002173101523
[6] http://www.computeruser.com/newstoday/00/04/04/news1.html
[7] http://www.konqueror.org/konq-browser.html
[8] http://kopete.kde.org/
[9] http://kmail.kde.org/screenshots.html
[10] http://www.mplayerhq.hu/homepage/design5/screen.html
[11] http://www.openoffice.org/screenshots/images/Writer638C.png.html
[12] http://www.gnu.org/fsf/fsf.html
[13] http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=54192
[15] http://www.tuxracer.com/
[16] http://www.frozen-bubble.org/
[17] http://www.eetimes.com/sys/uth/OEG20020326S0044 (note the console
is now $200, not $299 when this article was written)
[18] http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/2480001.stm
[19] We are addressing this to [EMAIL PROTECTED] because of the
following from your website:
"The only way to publish games for Xbox is to become a licensed Xbox
publisher. If you are an established game publisher and are interested
in publishing games for Xbox, click here to send email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be contacted. Please include contact
information and a brief description of your company."
And also [EMAIL PROTECTED] because of:
[20] http://xbox-linux.sourceforge.net/articles.php?aid=20030023081956

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