On Sat, 2003-02-22 at 12:26, Buchan Milne wrote:
> On Sat, 22 Feb 2003, guran wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > Background.
> > My dhcp client does not set or override the correct localhost.localdomain
> > name.
> >
> > During booting up the messages say that cups have adopted to
> >
> > I got a very good letter from Buchan Milne
> >
> > http://archives.mandrakelinux.com/cooker/2003-01/msg08662.php
> >
> > so I have run a diff between /usr/sbin/drakconnect from 9.0 and 9.1 and beware
> > I don't know much of this.
> >
> > I have been looking for Hostname and hostname and there are differences but I
> > dont understand them.
> >
> > Someone who knows please check it out.
> >
> OK, I was taking a look at this also, I got my hostname at work (but I may
> have a hardware-ethernet entry in our dhcp server there, not sure now),
> but not here at home.
> I may have run drakconnect between, but I had to set DHCP_HOSTNAME in
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 for the dhcp client to provide
> it in the dhcp request. Drakconnect also does not set ZEROCONF_HOSTNAME
> (except during installation) it seems. Then, to actually set my hostname,
> I had to set HOSTNAME in /etc/sysconfig/network.
> Then, it still does not add an entry in hosts for this hostname.
> This still needs to be investigated. Florin (or whoever is responsible for
> drakconnect), could you list how this is supposed to work, so we can help
> track down *where* the bugs are (drakconnect or initscripts).
> Regards,
> Buchan


  If I may ride on your coat tails a bit here... at the same time and
probably related could someone find out why  /etc/hosts keeps getting
reset to localhost instead of the normal
localhost.localdomain localhost (in fact why does it keep getting wiped
out in the first place.)  Thankyou for your patience.


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