On Friday 28 February 2003 04:04 am, Buchan Milne wrote:

> What have you got in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth?
> (NO I am not saying people should have to edit this by hand, I am trying
> to see what drakconnect should be doing).
> This is what I have to get the behaviour I want:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] bgmilne]$ grep -i hostname
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
> DHCP_HOSTNAME=bgmilne-thinkpad
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] bgmilne]$ grep -i hostname /etc/sysconfig/network
> #HOSTNAME=localhost.localdomain
> HOSTNAME=bgmilne-thinkpad
I can't be 100% sure Buchan because it was late when I did this last night.  I 
do know that /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 did not have an entry 
for DHCP_HOSTNAME until I ran drakconnect post-install.  Perhaps this is 
because it never ran during install because I did a network install.  But if 
drakconnect did not run during install because the network was already 
configured, that means the installer is not configuring the network properly 
when network.img is used.

> assigned by dhcp, then dns entries get added (DDNS). If the user did not
> know this, and gets a different name as hostname to what was assigned to
> them, then we have the hostname lookup problem again.
Well, I would think that an admin on a corporate network that has dhcp set up 
is not going to want to fight with this, they would accept the default.  What 
about the people on home network's that are the one's that will really care 
about this.  Joe User, who really wants to name his computer after a famous 
jazz musician.  How can you accomodate both sets of users?

Here is what I am going to do to help the situation.  I can't do it today, but 
I should have time to do about 5 installs this weekend using various 
scenarios of dhcp, non-dhcp, network vs. cd install.  I will update Cooker 
tonight and create a set of install CD's (hopefully Warly has fixed the 
kernel selection issue) and do various network and cd installs and document 
my findings.

I know time is of the essence at this pint (I meant point, maybe that is my 
subconscious rising to the surface ;-) ), and it would be nice to see this 
fixed/understood before rc2, but this is the best I can do given the rest of 
my schedule.

To make sure I am looking at everything relevant, confirm these are the 
configuration files that matter.


Anything I missed?

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